Clumber Spaniel Dog


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clumber spaniel

breed information guide

Did you know that the Clumber Spaniel is the largest of the AKC flushing spaniels? This breed, with its dignified and mellow nature, has been a hunting companion of kings. It’s no wonder that they’ve garnered such attention and admiration over the years. In 2022, the Kennel Club reported that 232 Clumber Spaniels were registered in the UK, underscoring the breed’s enduring appeal. The American Kennel Club ranks the Clumber Spaniel at 139 out of 200 breeds.

Now, let’s dive deep into the world of Clumber Spaniels, shedding light on their history, traits, and what makes them so special. By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-equipped with knowledge that’ll help you nurture a strong bond with your furry friend.

Quick Facts:

  • Size: The Clumber Spaniel is a large and strong breed, despite its shorter legs.
  • Weight: 25-38.5 kg (approx. 55-85 pounds).
  • Height: 45-50 cm (approx. 17.7-19.7 inches).
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years.
  • Types: The Clumber Spaniel is the heaviest of the spaniel family and was used to flush game from heavy cover. Its origins are linked to Clumber Park in Nottingham, home of the Dukes of Newcastle.
  • Families: The Clumber Spaniel is a steady and dependable character, making it suitable for families. However, care should be taken around small children due to their size.
  • Allergies: The Clumber Spaniel sheds heavily and requires grooming every other day.
  • Appearance: Mainly white with lemon or orange markings and freckling to the muzzle. The abundant coat is silky and straight, with longer hair (feathering) on the legs and chest.
  • Temperament: The Clumber Spaniel is good-natured, affable, dignified, and amusing. They are slower to mature than other spaniels and are generally steadier.
  • Other pets: Generally friendly with other dogs and can get along with other pets with proper training.
  • Barking: The Clumber Spaniel is described as chatty and vocal.
  • Training: Basic training is required. They can be trained for various activities, especially scent-based ones.
  • Exercise required: Enjoys one to two hours of walking a day.
  • Owner requirement: Owners should be aware of potential health issues and provide regular grooming.
  • Grooming: Requires grooming every other day due to its abundant coat. Regular weekly brushing is recommended.
  • Health: The Clumber Spaniel can suffer from hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, exercise-induced collapse, entropion, and keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eye).
  • Nutrition: Large breed dogs like the Clumber Spaniel benefit from a different balance of nutrients compared to smaller breeds.
  • Accommodation: Suitable for semi-rural areas and needs a large garden. Can be left occasionally with training.
  • Cost: Clumber Spaniel puppy: ÂŁ600 to ÂŁ1,800 (average price being ÂŁ1,125).
  • Kennel Club Group: Gundog.
  • Special Considerations: They have a tendency to carry around toys or other items, stemming from their pedigree as retrievers. Owners should be cautious about small items that might be swallowed.

Breed History & Traits:

The Clumber Spaniel boasts a rich history that traces its roots back to France. Over the years, this breed has been a dignified & mellow hunting companion, even for kings! Their stature – built long and low with heavy bone – makes them stand out. 

Here are some major historical events related to the Clumber Spaniel: 

  • The first Clumber Spaniel registered with the American Kennel Club in 1878.
  • Known as the hunting companion of kings, their presence is something you’d have seen noted in various royal courts.
  • But despite their royal connections, they’re always appreciated for their hunting prowess, especially in thick terrains where you might think twice before venturing.
  • Their coat, primarily white with sparse lemon or orange markings, is a signature trait & many of you might recognise it instantly.
  • Over the years, you might’ve felt their sweet and easygoing nature at home. It’s what makes them such perfect companions for families. 

Temperament and Personality:

Clumber Spaniel – a breed that’s been the companion of kings & still stands as the largest of the AKC flushing spaniels. It is not just about their size, these dogs possess a dignified & mellow disposition that’s hard to miss. For those of you who don’t mind a little shedding and perhaps the occasional drool, the Clumber Spaniel might just become an amusing best friend & housemate. Known for their sweet and easygoing nature at home, but – and this is a surprise to many – when outdoors, these dogs get quite relentless, especially if they catch a scent.

When it comes to interacting with humans, Spaniels are truly a treat. They’re friendly, yet there’s a slight hesitancy around strangers. It may remind you of a time when you met someone new & took a moment to warm up.  Once they get to know you, it’s all in. Looking for a sturdy playmate for your child? Or perhaps a companion that’s up for a good swim or a game of fetch? The Clumber Spaniel is definitely your go-to animal.

Comparison of Temperament With other Spaniels:

BreedFriendlinessAdaptabilityEnergy LevelTrainabilityWatchdog Ability
Clumber SpanielHighModerateModerateHighLow
American Cocker SpanielHighHighHighHighModerate
English Cocker SpanielHighHighVery HighHighModerate

Appearance and Colours:

The Clumber Spaniel – truly a sight you won’t forget. With a powerful build and heavy bone structure, combined with a design that’s long and low, they easily draw the eye.  Their massive head is a standout feature, and they stand tall at 17 to 20 inches. When it comes to weight, a small female might tip the scales at 55 pounds, while a large male could go up to 85 pounds. Built to push through thick cover in the field. Their movement is free and easy, even surprising considering their hefty build.

As for the coat – it’s dense and primarily white. But you know those times when you notice a subtle accent colour that just elevates the entire look? That’s the effect of their sparse lemon or orange markings. The range of colours you might come across includes:

  • Primarily White
  • White with Lemon markings
  • White with Orange markings

Their appearance is not just about beauty; it’s functional. Designed for the field, they can push through thickets and underbrush with ease, making them excellent hunting companions.


You’ll find training your Clumber Spaniel mostly delightful, given their affectionate and loyal nature. These dogs are intelligent & have a strong desire to please you. But there’s a catch – their gentle temperament often comes with a touch of stubbornness. Now, don’t let that push you away. With the right steps, you’ll have that Clumber Spaniel trained in no time.

  • Start Early: Dive in when your Clumber Spaniel is just a pup. You know, that’s when they’re super receptive to learning.
  • Consistency: It’s so important. Make sure you’re on the same page with commands & rewards. Helps your dog catch on to what you want.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Seen your dog do something good? Reward with treats or a little pat. It makes them want to do it again & again.
  • Avoid Harsh Punishments: Clumber Spaniels respond poorly to harsh training methods. Instead, use a firm but gentle approach.
  • Socialisation: It’s great for them. Let your Spaniel meet different folks, places & other animals. It’s all about making them adaptable.
  • Obedience Training: Have you thought of getting them into a class? It’s good for the basics & you’ll feel that bond strengthening.
  • Stay Patient: Some days are slow. Remember, every dog’s got its pace. Just hang in there & cheer for those tiny wins.

Tips for First-time Trainers:

Training a dog for the first time can be a daunting task, especially with a breed as unique as the Clumber Spaniel. Here are some common challenges faced by first-time trainers and solutions to overcome them:

StubbornnessUse positive reinforcement & find a reward that motivates them.
DistractionTrain in a quiet environment initially, gradually introducing distractions.
Slow LearningBe patient & break down commands into simpler steps.
OverexcitementEnsure they have enough physical activity before training sessions.
Fear or AnxietyUse gentle methods & ensure a safe environment for training.


The Clumber Spaniel, with its sturdy build and calm demeanour, has specific exercise needs that cater to its unique physique & temperament. While they might seem laid-back at first, you’ll be surprised how much these dogs enjoy a good romp – they really do need regular daily exercise (between one and two hours) to keep them fit and healthy. Their exercise regimen should be a mix of mental stimulation and physical activity, you know? If Spaniels don’t get regular exercise you may find they bark more or exhibit more restless behaviour.

Top 5 Recommended Exercises for Clumber Spaniels:

  • Scent Games: Capitalise on their natural sniffing instincts. Ever tried hiding treats around your garden or house? Let them find it. It’s a blast.
  • Fetch: A classic game that provides both mental and physical stimulation. Using soft toys is a great idea to ensure their safety.
  • Swimming: If you’ve ever seen a Clumber Spaniel around water, you’d know. They just love it. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a safe water body, let them have a splash.
  • Leisurely Walks: Nothing like a long, relaxed walk. It not only keeps them active but lets them explore their surroundings.
  • Tug-of-War: Have you ever engaged in a friendly tug-of-war using a sturdy toy with a dog? It’s not only bonding but also gives them good physical exercise.

Exercise Tips for Urban Dwellers: 

Living in the city doesn’t mean your Clumber Spaniel can’t get the exercise it needs. You know, even with all the hustle and bustle, there are ways to ensure they remain active & happy:

  • Morning & Evening Walks: The city’s usually quieter during these times. It’s kind of perfect for peaceful walks.
  • Indoor Play: Got some interactive toys or a long corridor? Play fetch indoors to keep them engaged.
  • Visit Dog Parks: It’s amazing. It lets them socialise and play with other dogs.
  • Stair Climbing: You might remember that time when you used the stairs for exercise. Well, if you live in an apartment, it’s a good workout session for them, too.
  • Join Doggy Daycare: Ever thought about it? It provides them an opportunity to play and interact in a safe environment.

Ideal Home & Owner:

The Clumber Spaniel, with its mellow & dignified nature, really thrives in a home that gets its unique needs. Originating as hunting companions – these dogs have transitioned beautifully as loving family pets you’d adore. Their calm nature fits just right in both city apartments & country homes. But remember, they need ample space to stretch their legs and roam. They’re quite adaptable, you know, but they do have their likes.

An ideal owner for a Clumber Spaniel? It’s someone who can balance regular exercise, mental fun, & heaps of love. If you’ve ever had a routine-loving pet, you’d know how important it is. They’re not super demanding, but consistency in routine and soft touch in training goes a long way with them.

Clumber Spaniel Needs vs. Ideal Owner Characteristics:

Clumber Spaniel NeedsIdeal Owner Characteristics
Regular ExerciseActive Lifestyle
Mental StimulationWillingness to Engage in Play & Training
Gentle Training MethodsPatient & Understanding Nature
Consistent RoutineOrganised & Consistent
Socialisation OpportunitiesOpen to Social Activities & Doggy Playdates

Other Animals:

Clumber Spaniels, with their easy going nature, are generally the kind you’d see getting along with other pets. But, you know, their hunting instincts can sometimes kick in, especially around the tinier critters. So, it is always a good idea to introduce them to other pets in a controlled setup – just to ensure everyone gets along.

Common Pets Clumber Spaniels Get Along With:

  • Other dogs
  • Cats (when introduced properly)
  • Larger birds

Pets They Might Have Issues With:

  • Small rodents (like hamsters & guinea pigs)
  • Birds that are free-flying in the house
  • Reptiles

When bringing a Clumber Spaniel into a house with other animals, monitoring their initial interactions is the key. With time and the right training, they usually settle in, living peacefully with a good mix of other pets.

Size & Weight:

This breed, the Clumber Spaniel, is indeed heftier & much more substantial compared to other Spaniel breeds. Their legs might be on the shorter side, but you’d be wrong to think of them as anything but large, strong dogs. Their chilled-out approach to life? It’s kind of what sets them apart. 

Table: Clumber Spaniel Male & Female Weight

Age StageWeight (kg/lbs)Height (cm/inches)
Male32-38.5kg/70-85 lbs45.7-50.8 cm/18-20 inches
Female25-32kg/55-70lbs43.2-48.3 cm./17-19 inches

Grooming & Care:

When we talk about grooming, Clumber Spaniels have their unique needs. Imagine a lush coat, silky and straight, but with longer hairs (we call it feathering) on their legs & chest. If you neglect it, there can be tangles. And let’s not even start about the drool or how they shed! But if you’ve had a dog before, you’d know with the right care routine, even the messiest pooch can look pristine.

Step-by-step Grooming Routine for Clumber Spaniels:

  1. Brushing: Start with regular weekly brushing to keep their coat free from tangles and reduce shedding.
  2. Checking the Feet: Every day, inspect their feet for grass seeds and trim the hair to prevent knotting.
  3. Ear Care: Regularly check their ears, ensuring they’re clean and free from infections.
  4. Bathing: While Clumbers don’t need frequent baths, ensure they’re clean, especially after outdoor adventures.
  5. Drying: Remember, while they dry quickly, their low-slung body can gather a lot of mud and water. Make sure they’re thoroughly dried after walks or baths.
  6. Eye Care: Regularly check their eyes, especially since they’re prone to conditions like entropion.
  7. Dental Care: Brush their teeth regularly to prevent dental issues and keep their breath fresh.

Nutrition & Food:

Clumber Spaniel is unique in its dietary needs as it is in its appearance. If you’re the proud pet parent of one of these gentle giants, you’ll know that feeding them right is crucial for their overall well-being.

Dietary needs of the breed:

These dogs have a big appetite. Given how active they get, especially when they’re prancing around outdoors, they need food that matches their energy. But here’s the thing – keep an eye on how much they gobble up. They have this knack for gaining weight if you overfeed. So, what to feed them? Think proteins, essential fats and just the right amount of carbs. And while they’d gladly eat all day, it’s about feeding them right, not just feeding them more.

Recommended foods & feeding schedules:

Are you thinking about mixing things up for them? High-quality commercial dog food combined with some natural goodies like lean meats, fish, rice, and certain veggies might just be the ticket. But if you’re making big changes, chatting with your vet is a smart move. As for the feeding schedule, twice a day usually works for the adults. But those little pups, they’re growing, so they’ll need a bit more on their plate.

Comparison of Dog Foods for Clumber Spaniels:

Type of FoodBenefits for Clumber Spaniels
Dry Food– Easy storage & longer shelf life- Helps in keeping teeth clean- Generally less expensive than wet food
Wet Food– Good for hydration as it contains more moisture- Often more palatable & can be beneficial for picky eaters- Can be easier for dogs to digest
Raw Food– Can lead to shinier coats & healthier skin- May result in higher energy levels- Can lead to smaller stools


When it comes to the health of Clumber Spaniels, there’s a mix of good news and challenges. While they’re generally robust, certain health issues are more prevalent in this breed.

Common Health Issues in Clumber Spaniels:

Health IssueSymptomsPreventive Measures
Hip DysplasiaLimping, difficulty in rising, reluctance to run or climb stairsRegular check-ups, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding excessive growth rate in puppies
Disc DiseasePain, lameness, difficulty in movingRegular vet check-ups, avoiding activities that strain the spine
HypothyroidismWeight gain, lethargy, hair lossRegular thyroid testing, medication as prescribed
Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anaemia (IMHA)Fatigue, jaundice, dark-coloured urineImmediate vet attention, regular blood tests
Eyelid ProblemsEye irritation, redness, excessive tearingRegular eye check-ups, surgery if required
Ear InfectionsScratching of the ear, head shaking, unpleasant odourRegular ear cleaning, keeping ears dry
AllergiesSkin irritations, digestive issues, respiratory distressIdentifying & avoiding allergens, consulting with a vet for treatment options


Clumber Spaniels are quite the shedding and drooling champs. But, just like any other member of your family, it’s essential to ensure they’re well taken care of, especially when it comes to their health.

Why Pet Insurance is a Must for Clumber Spaniels

Ever been told, “Better safe than sorry”? Well, with your Clumber Spaniel, it’s more like a mantra. Given their unique shape & quirks, they sometimes face specific health troubles that can lead to expensive vet visits. That’s where pet insurance jumps in – it’s like a safety net, making sure you’re ready for unexpected vet visits & health hiccups.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Insurance Plan

  • Coverage: Ensure the policy covers accidents, illnesses, surgeries, and regular check-ups.
  • Exclusions: Some policies might not cover hereditary or breed-specific conditions.
  • Cost: Premiums can vary based on the coverage level, your dog’s age, and other factors.
  • Reviews & Reputation: Always check out reviews and ask fellow dog owners for recommendations.

Buying & Breeders:

So you’re set on a Clumber Spaniel to join the family? Nice pick! But hold on – before you dive too deep into this doggie adventure, finding a reputable or assured breeder is essential. The breeder you go with? They’re a big part of how healthy & happy your future furball will be.

Why Kennel Club Registered Breeders are the Gold Standard

Heard of The Kennel Club? They’re like the big league in the dog world. If you pick a breeder who’s Kennel Club registered, you’re ensuring you’re with someone sticking to top-notch standards in breeding & care. These breeders? They care. They make sure their dogs get love, right from the get-go.

Red Flags to Watch Out For

  • Lack of Transparency: A reputable breeder will be open about the dog’s health, lineage, and living conditions.
  • No Health Checks: Always ensure the breeder conducts necessary health checks on the parents.
  • Pressure to Buy: If you feel rushed or pressured, it’s a sign to walk away.
  • Too Many Litters: A breeder with multiple litters available might be running a puppy mill.

Kennel Club Registered Breeders vs. Non-Registered Breeders: A Comparison

AspectKennel Club Registered BreedersNon-Registered Breeders
Health ChecksMandatory health screeningsMight not conduct screenings
Breeding StandardsAdhere to high standardsStandards can vary
TransparencyOpen about dog’s lineageMight lack transparency
Post-Purchase SupportOffer support & guidanceMight not offer support
PriceMight be pricierCould be cheaper

Rescue & Re-homing:

Have you ever felt that pull towards a lovable breed like the Clumber Spaniel? With its soft temperament & loving personality, it’s a tough one to resist. But before you go buying a puppy, have you considered adopting or rescuing?

The Importance of Adopting and Rescuing Clumber Spaniels

Every year, tons of dogs find themselves in shelters or with rescue groups, hoping for that second shot at a loving home. And Clumber Spaniels? They’re in the mix too. Going the adopt or rescue route, you’re doing a double good deed – giving a pooch a fresh start & saying a big no to those not-so-cool breeding practices.

Supporting Local Rescue Organisations

Local rescue organisations play a pivotal role in rehabilitating and rehoming dogs in need. If you throw them some support – be it donations, volunteering or adopting – you help ensure these dogs get what they deserve: Care, love & attention. 

Steps to Follow When Considering Adopting a Clumber Spaniel:

  1. Research: Start by researching local rescue organisations that have Clumber Spaniels available for adoption, like Clumber Spaniel Club.
  2. Visit: Pay a visit to the organisation and spend time with the dogs to find a good match.
  3. Ask Questions: Inquire about the dog’s history, health, temperament, and any special needs.
  4. Prepare Your Home: Ensure your home is safe and suitable for a Clumber Spaniel.
  5. Adopt: Once you’re sure, complete the adoption process and welcome your new furry friend home.

Mixed Breeds:

Have you ever gazed at a Clumber Spaniel and thought about its potential mix with other breeds? Clumber Spaniels, with their one-of-a-kind look & undeniable charm, often mix with other breeds, resulting in some unique canine creations. The beauty of mixed breeds is they often bring together the best of both worlds, giving you a pet that’s both endearing & one-of-a-kind.

Popular Clumber Spaniel Mixed Breeds:

  • Clumber Lab (Clumber Spaniel & Labrador Retriever): A friendly and energetic mix known for its loyalty and intelligence.
  • Clumberdoodle (Clumber Spaniel & Poodle): A playful and hypoallergenic mix with a curly coat.
  • Clumber Pei (Clumber Spaniel & Shar Pei): A unique mix with a wrinkled face and a gentle disposition.
  • Clumber Setter (Clumber Spaniel & English Setter): A graceful and affectionate mix, perfect for families.
  • Clumber Collie (Clumber Spaniel & Border Collie): A highly intelligent and active mix, great for those who lead an active lifestyle.

To Sum it Up!

Diving into the world of the Clumber Spaniel is like opening a box of assorted chocolates. From tales of being adored by the British elite to their naturally sweet & gentle nature, there’s a ton to adore here. Whether adoption, rescue, or getting one of those intriguing mixed breeds tickles your fancy, one thing is clear – with a Clumber Spaniel around, you’re signing up for a whole lot of warmth & cuddles.


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